For many languages it’s a simple operation no one even need to ask about it just read the docs, but in nodejs it’s a different story u have SO question currently with 87 upvotes & many different libraries to deal with it!
The problem is actually not with reading lines from small files as u can simply do
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Which load the whole file into memory but that won’t be efficient with large files, that’s the reason behind the question & many libs.
With ES6 becoming more and more common I decided to use a cool feature of it called generators to have a nice & clean solution. here’s the gist
Please note that the script is sync, If you want async/lazy loading solution, have a look at lazy.js
How it’s used:
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After calling ‘readLineSync’ with the target file you are able to read lines by calling “” & process the line and when ready get next line or for simplicity use the generator with “for of” loop as in the first example
Note that you need to use node >= 0.11 & run your script with flag “–harmony”, ex:
It benefit from generators feature that allow saving function state between “.next()” calls, allowing the function to keep track of current position in the file.
So when to use it
As it run synchronously it won’t be of great benefit for public websites as it won’t benefit much from node main feature which is async calls “the main reason behind node speed”. It could be used for ex in a script automating a task on your machine that it’s operation depend on reading large files line by line to process it, so reading the file sync or async dosn’t matter as you will be waiting/doing nothing in both cases until the line is read to process it and you would have a clean code without async callbacks!
Note that it blocks execution only while getting a new line as we are not reading the whole file all at once also not all calls to “next()” would need disk access due to use of a buffer.